Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Videos of past productions of the Birds
- Municipal Regional Theater of Kalamata. Direction: Yiannis Kakleas; 1992
- Masque Youth Theatre. 2007
- CSM and London Sudio dance collaboration

To follow-up on our exploration of Aristophanes The Birds, the above video clips are from productions of The Birds. They show abstract productions that take the text of Aristophanes and produce something very unique from each other. I found it very interesting how vastly different each of these productions were. Example, the first clip from the Municipal Regional theatre has very stunning imagery which shocks you and doesn't seem very comedic to me at all; whereas the CSM and London dance collaboration moves me but in a different way than that. Typically The Birds is considered an old comedy but the productions I've found really strive to make bold, fantastical statements.

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